Clear thinking

Learn how to improve your proposals and win more business.

Showing capability

Showing capability

A recent post provided an overview of RFQs (requests for qualifications). This week we’ll look at the single most important thing an RFQ response needs to do—prove the team can submit a competitive bid (RFP response) and, if selected, perform successfully. Scope...

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Understanding RFQs

Understanding RFQs

Requests for qualifications (RFQs) are typically the first stage in large procurements—especially for alternative financing procurement (AFP), such as public private partnership (P3), projects. The purpose of an RFQ is to narrow the field of potential proponents to...

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Managing proposal graphics

Managing proposal graphics

Many proposals have too few graphics, and those graphics are not deployed to greatest effect. Given the tendency of proposal evaluators to move quickly through narratives and, in some cases, to skip large blocks of text, expressing ideas in graphical format provides...

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Proposal heads and subheads

Proposal heads and subheads

To maximize success set up proposal documents for easy reading. A recent post covered choosing a proposal body type style. This post looks at setting up and managing proposal headings. Heads and subheads provide structure, guiding readers through the proposal. This is...

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Proposal body style

Proposal body style

Thoughtful design decisions can make your proposals look professional and easy for evaluators to read and score. This post provides guidance for selecting and using a body type style. Rule 1: RFP requirements trump our advice. Choosing fonts Unless you’re a...

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Proposal design basics

Proposal design basics

Proposal design is not a frill, but a key contributor to success, whether or not evaluators are consciously aware of it. The aim is not to make your proposal look flashy or slick, but to promote your overall sales message. A visually appealing, well-organized...

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Visualizing key messages

Visualizing key messages

Recent posts have focussed on success factors for proposal narratives—including compliance, showing insight into the prospect’s needs and project requirements, and positioning your solution and team against competitors’ offerings. This last post in our series explains...

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Positioning your offer

Positioning your offer

In a recent post, we explained how to demonstrate responsiveness to a proposal issuer’s strategic drivers and hot button issues. This post deals with positioning—the art and science of comparing your solution favourably against alternatives. Successful positioning...

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Showing responsiveness

Showing responsiveness

An earlier post made the case that merely meeting compliance requirements is not enough to win large RFPs. Buyers rightly expect bidders to show how their solutions will do more than meet the bare minimum. A responsive proposal shows deep understanding of the prospect...

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Positioning your price

Positioning your price

Recent posts made the case for treating price as more than a number buried at the back of your proposal. We’ve explained the importance of price in proposals, how to write a pricing executive summary and various ways to defend your price in a proposal. This post looks...

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