Org charts: Showing governance

Earlier this month, we posted on proposal organizational chart basics and using org charts to show team evolution across project phases. This week we look at governance, the relationships among various working groups and management committees.

Governance is a significant concern for evaluators, especially in the case of long-life contracts involving multiple corporate entities. For P3 RFQ responses, demonstrating well-structured and aligned governance is critical to making the shortlist.

Why show governance on an org chart?

Although governance is addressed in narratives, we recommend showing it in an organizational chart for two reasons:

  • Depicting governance structures visually allows for clearer presentation and higher scorability
  • Taking advantage of (typically) unrestricted org chart space reduces word count pressure on page-constrained narrative sections.

Case example

In the example illustration below, showing a DBFOM RFP phase governance, the proponent has used boxes to identify the bid director, various management committees and working groups. The bid director, equity committee and steering committee sit at the highest level, just below the issuing authority.

The next level includes the bid management committee, the design-build contractor management committee and the OM&R producer management committee. Below these sits a row of working groups, including representing finance, legal, support services, design-build, interface, and OM&R. Solid lines represent reporting relationships, dotted lines collaborative relationships.

Each box is number-keyed to a table that describes the function of each entity. For example, the description for the design-build working group reads:

Led by the Design-Build Contractor Lead, with the support of the Design Manager, the Design-Build Working Group defines and prices the optimal Design-Build solution. The Design-Build Working Group is supported by special services (e.g. insurance, risk management, estimating) and works in close coordination with the OM&R Working Group through its participation in the Interface Committee.

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