Clear thinking

Learn how to improve your proposals and win more business.

Org charts: Showing governance

Org charts: Showing governance

Earlier this month, we posted on proposal organizational chart basics and using org charts to show team evolution across project phases. This week we look at governance, the relationships among various working groups and management committees. Governance is a...

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Org charts: Showing phases

Org charts: Showing phases

Last week we posted on the basics of organizational charts for proposals. If your team is pursuing a simple, short-term project, a plain vanilla org chart may suffice. But if the project involves multiple phases stretching over months or years, your team will...

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Organizational chart basics

Organizational chart basics

Most large contract RFOs and RFPs require one or more organizational charts. Beyond compliance, the initial drafts of charts we see vary widely in their ability to showcase the proponent’s approach to team structure and to score well. In this and following posts,...

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Tips for better case studies

Tips for better case studies

Case studies are an effective way to back up claims of experience and capabilities. Well-presented case studies have the added advantage of being more readable than most proposal content. Use case studies: In RFQ responses as examples of how your team and key...

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Key Individual resumes

Key Individual resumes

A recent post explained the importance of using team selection to show understanding of the RFP requirements and the prospect’s strategic and hot button issues. Identifying the key individuals (KIs) you will use provides evidence of your commitment. Every RFQ and RFP...

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Choosing key individuals

Choosing key individuals

In competitions for complex contracts, proposal evaluators pay close attention to each bidder’s key individuals. Whatever your experience with similar projects, success always comes down to the specific people managing the work. Your roster of key individuals is...

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Writer guidance for plan sections

Writer guidance for plan sections

Every RFP we’ve seen requires plans for how the proponent will perform various aspects of the project. Depending on the contract on offer, these could include design, construction, transition (or implementation), operation, maintenance, etc. A compliant response will...

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Managing reference projects

Managing reference projects

This post is intended for individuals managing RFQ responses for infrastructure projects. It gives insight into Complex2Clear’s approach to optimizing the selection of reference projects, based on the scoring criteria of a specific RFQ. The reference project challenge...

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Managing compliance

Managing compliance

This month's posts have explored the need to master the RFP requirements, organizing your proposal using an annotated table of contents (ATOC), and using a competitive solutions matrix (CSM) to manage proposal strategy. Most bidders understand the need...

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Managing compliance

Managing compliance

Recent posts explored the need to master the RFP requirements, organizing your proposal using an annotated table of contents (ATOC), and using a competitive solutions matrix (CSM) to manage proposal strategy. Most bidders understand the need to comply with RFP...

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