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Learn how to improve your proposals and win more business.

Ghosting your competition

Ghosting your competition

This post continues our series on taboo subjects—areas proposal teams typically avoid in responses—and suggest ways to handle them. Earlier posts covered service issues, risk and pricing. This post recommends ways to address your competition. Mentioning competitors by...

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Taboo subject: Risk

Taboo subject: Risk

Some bidders avoid raising the issue of risk in proposals. Their reasoning often runs along the lines of: “Why bring up a negative?” or, in the same vein, “If the RFP doesn’t ask, why would we open that can of worms?” In some sectors, risk is always on the table....

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Taboo subject: Pricing

Taboo subject: Pricing

This and coming posts offer ideas for handling taboo subjects—items most proposal teams would avoid if given the option. Last week we looked at service issues. Price is another taboo subject for many. Nearly every proposal needs to include a price, either in the main...

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Taboo subject: Service Issues

Taboo subject: Service Issues

Service issues are something rebid teams are tempted to leave unaddressed. It’s easy to view service issues as potentially harmful to your chances, or too hard to address successfully. That's a mistake, as this post explains. Why incumbents should address service...

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Start rebid planning eartly

Start rebid planning eartly

Earlier posts focused on how to make the most of your incumbency when rebid time comes around. Perhaps the biggest single idea is to start preparing early. It’s an obvious step—and one most teams vow to take. But between the thrill of winning and the throes of...

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Highlight transition ease

Highlight transition ease

This is part of a series on winning more rebids—including making your proposal future-oriented and using past performance to showcase your understanding and value. This post looks at the transition. Transitions always concern issuers. Even a well-run changeover...

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Stress capability in rebids

Stress capability in rebids

Of all RFP bidders, only you have detailed knowledge of the current contract metrics, investments, and issues and their resolution. Stressing this current contract experience and performance is a key element in rebid success. Mine your client experience for advantages...

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Focus rebids on the future

Focus rebids on the future

Incumbents often underestimate the pitfalls they face when contracts expire. This month we’ll look at four must-do items that will help you win your rebids. As the incumbent, your biggest risk is complacency. Your client likes you (or at least isn’t complaining), and...

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Editing for evaluators

Editing for evaluators

Recent posts covered understanding proposal evaluators, and how to use structure, content planning tools and close management to make proposals easy to scan and score. Editing is the next step in making content as evaluator-friendly as possible. Structural editing...

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Managing content drafting

Managing content drafting

Recent posts explained how to create evaluator-friendly proposals by adopting a consistent information structure and using proposal writer frameworks and prompts to assist writers in drafting logically sound, persuasive content. Even if you do all of the above, you’re...

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